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54392 stars

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system with a dimensional data model, flexible query language, efficient time series database and modern alerting approach.

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Self hostable


G2 Score

4.4/ 5 (21 reviews)

Reviews (Snippets from G2)


  • Far more flexible than traditional monitoring solutions like Nagios. A wide variety of Prometheus metric exporters already in the community, and many open source products are natively incorporating Prometheus exporters.
  • Easy redeployable, very fast database (even the giant queries are running super-fast), concept of the services monitoring instead of the instances monitoring. Really adequate queries syntax, simple alerting, in-house integration with the Grafana.
  • It is very simple to use and has no external dependencies.
  • It has a powerful query language to retrieve and evaluate metrics.


  • You will have to know all the metric names in order to create rules and there are a lot of metrics.
  • It only supports HTTP APIs to pull the data into the DB. I wish it could add more methods like S3 pull etc.
  • This is not an easy setup.
  • I dont like the alert manager part , its really complex and we find difficulties to configure using equations and promQL stuff
  • The learning curve is bit steep and also there is no unique identifier for alerts generated by the Alertmanager.

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Apache License 2.0

Repo last updated 7 months ago
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